Monday, 31 August 2015 04:09

Princess (Prini)

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Princess (Prini), a registered Shetland Pony, is the foundation mare of Stone Pony Farm. She came to our family in 1990 at the age of 20 yrs old abused & neglected. She left us at the ripe old age of 44 (that's 134 in people years) A devoted mom, she produced 10 foals (mainly fillies) through the years, her last at 35 (her idea, not ours...). She saw herself as the Grande Dam of the farm she took her roll of Nana quite seriously; often stepping in to "assist" the younger moms. Each season 1 foal (usually the first born) became "hers". We stalled the mom and foal right next to her so she could keep a close eye on the baby. When the herd was let out each day Prini is always a short distance away ready to step in to "foal-sit".

"Attitude" is the best word to describe our Princess. We marvelled at her energy and determination - she still rules the roost with a nip or kick if she feels someone has overstepped a boundary. She had a great (yet frustrating) ability to open gates and often let herself in the garden to "test" the best of the fresh produce. Cantaloupe seemed to be a favorite.

She was treated as royalty and "the staff" (i.e. Donna) mixed up special meals each morning and night. On her menu were alfalfa salads (leaves only please) with fresh fruits like apples and watermelon, senior supplements and carrot shavings soaked in water. Some would question why would we go to such effort? The answer was simple - She was "the heart" of Stone Pony Farm.

Her memory is forever a part of Stone Pony Farm!

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